

We now spend an average of 9 hours sitting daily whether at work, home or in a car.

These hours are prolonged periods of inactivity, often working on badly designed workstations and are linked to an increase in obesity but also muscular pain, back and neck issues, thrombosis and as well as tendinitis.

Each year:

  • 40% of the population are affected by back and neck pain.
  • 50 million working days are lost.
  • It costs about £5 billion (or £200 for every employee) in sickness absence costs.

Source: Clinical Standards Advisory Group


Employers also have a legal responsibility to prevent harm from work.

For people with back pain inactivity and bed rest increase the chance of disability – an active approach to treatment and return to work brings benefits to everyone.

At London Home Visit Physiotherapy, our physiotherapists are highly experienced and trained in occupational health, ergonomic consultancy and workplace injury management.

We can advise and offer very effective solutions on back pain and how to prevent it.

If you are an employer or and employee and want more information about prevention at work click here

Call us now on 02071250262 or email us here for more information